Owner - James Schrader - schraderjr@frazerschool.org
Director - Will Frazer - frazerwj@frazerschool.org
Principal - Olanrewaju Fayiga - fayigaoi@frazerschool.org
Administrative Assistant - Jake Frazer - frazerjp@frazerschool.org
Technology Consultant - Wesley Lopez - wesleylopez11@gmail.com
Stephanie Dial - dialss@frazerschool.org
Angela Vitale - vitaleam@frazerschool.org
Will Frazer - frazerwj@frazerschool.org
Ziwei Lu - luz@frazerschool.org
Olanrewaju Fayiga - fayigaoi@frazerschool.org
Kim Baxter - baxterkd@frazerschool.org
David Buffkin - buffkinda@frazerschool.org
Marc Moody - moodyms@frazerschool.org
Jason Brown - brownja@frazerschool.org
Randy Dexter - dexterrl@frazerschool.org
Jake Frazer - frazerjp@frazerschool.org
Will Frazer - frazerwj@frazerschool.org
David Geering - geeringdk@frazerschool.org
Zachary Young - youngza@frazerschool.org
Kaili Wu - wukg@frazerschool.org
Bryan Behl - behlbc@frazerschool.org
Michael Wong - wongmj@frazerschool.org
Ziwei Lu - luz@frazerschool.org
Steven Yu - yus@frazerschool.org
Randy Dexter - dexterrl@frazerschool.org
Britt Ryerson - ryersonbn@frazerschool.org
Pauline Watson - watsonpg@frazerschool.org
Deborah Ohaegbulam - ohaegbulamdj@frazerschool.org
Natalie Brock - brocknl@frazerschool.org
Keilah Trujillo - trujillok@frazerschool.org
All teachers meet at least one of the following standards:
A parentally placed private school student with a disability does not have an individual right to receive some or all of the special education and related services that the student would receive if enrolled in a public school under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as amended.